
        Hello!! Turkish Kitchen is back with a new recipe! At this time we’re going to share about Dolma.
        Dolma it self is from Turkish, which means filled orsomething that filled. Usually Dolma is vegetables which is filled with some meats, those such as vegetable with seeds, for example paprica. Most of Dolma are served with yogurt.

Ingredients :
-          Paprica
-          200 gr minced meat
-          1 tea spoon salt
-          ½ tea spoon pepper powder
-          ½ tea spoon caraway powder

Steps :
1.       Mix the minced meat, salt, pepper powder, and caraway powder.
2.       Make a hole on the top of the paprica and filled it with the minced meat.
3.       Steamed the paprika until its done. (about 30 minutes)
4.       And it’s ready to be served.

Dolma recipe is done! Hope you enjoy!

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